
gamelit litrpg buch_ Monster mc_ Cyberpunk


Cool sketches

litrpg gamelit bard serie World of Chains Map

World of Chains map

World of Chains map - From sketch to final map

litrpg The Emissary Bard ebook final Cover

The Emissary Bard

The Emissary Bard - From sketch to final cover

The Fallen Bard Ebook Cover

The Fallen Bard

The Fallen Bard - From sketch to final cover


The Wayward Bard

The Wayward Bard - From sketch to final cover

These are all images and sketches available from books and series written by Lars Machmüller. All use of the images requires consent from the author. Contact him here.

For merchandise by Lars Machmüller, you can look here.

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